Thursday, October 27, 2011

The first days of Don Ballin's visit to Argentina and Uruguay October 24 to November 4 2011

Don and John the gardener speaking about the soil, sign communication worked really well! October 2011

Don with the Argentinian garden team at home

The performance of the Catherine Graham rose in Argentina, planted in my garden in 2009 proved to be somehow different in size and color compared to Chicago' plants.
It is no unusual that the weather soil and feeding can have effect on the bloom.
We invited Don to visit and enjoy the excitment of the evolution of his creation!
The Argentinian Rose Society is celebrating its 60 Anniversary and have invited Don to join the 4 days celebrations participating in the judging of roses at their show.
On october 27 taking place at the Circulo de la Fuerza Aerea.

Don is our guest at home, at the Olivos Golf Club, the weather so far is beautiful snd this 3 first days we have enjoyed his company and have the privilege to get his guidance for my rose garden. We have 40 rose plants, and our gardener Juan has learned in an accelerated and concentrated course of tending to roses... interested and happy to be up to it! Juan came every day to work in the bed with Don's direction. Juan had the soil and water analysis, and starting from there, action was taken or comments were made on the nutrients, drainage and watering and esthetics of the bed and plants.
We added a coat of 10 cm of manure as nutrient and mulch.
We got the diagnose on the visible symptoms of deseases or pests. We purchased the necesary chemicals as to control fungus and pests, to regularly use as preventive and care. It took it time to figure out the equivalents in products, chemicals and dosage because of the difference with the products Don is familiar in America's market. Don was pleased with our selection and we are ready to have the coctail to spray the rose plants preventivly and regularly.
Time flyies and three days are gone.
The roses were wearing their best for Don's arrival. Timing was perfect, our first bloom of the season is in process, cool evenings and sunny days had the bloom look big and tall, beautiful silvery white and pink petals.
The plants are healthy.
We made well the famous first impression!

Don in the front of the house, on the wall, Pierre de Ronsard climbing Roses in their first exuberant bloom

October 2011

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